Club Konek

There is nothing more fun than learning with your friends!
Join Club Konek for group mentoring sessions between
1 mentor and about 5-10 mentees.

ClubKonek welcomes mentees who are now interested
in taking the STEM track for their careers. With this gained confidence,
ClubKonek will sustain their interest by focusing on topics that
prepare them for a life of function and purpose in society.
It follows the 1-2-3 structure for maximum engagement.

Learning in 1-2-3!

The 1-2-3 structure refers to 1 hour every 2 weeks
for 3 months. Apart from having a ring to it, the
1-2-3 structure ensures that screen time for
mentees is minimized and the frequency of classes
allows for a regular yet healthy engagement
between mentors and mentees. Totaling to 6
sessions, Club Konek aims to improve the
knowledge-based learning goals of mentees.

Career Readiness

Career Readiness prepares mentees for a STEM career by enabling the right mindset and facilitating personal development. Each mentee can choose any of the topics listed below and catch a glimpse into the different career pathways in these focused fields: Engineering, Computer Engineering, Medicine, Accountancy, Education for STEM, Design Thinking, and Problem Solving.

Solving World Problems

Solving World Problems focuses on being of service to people, interacting with each other, and impacting the world anchored on different STEM principles. Mentees may choose topics from Design Thinking, Problem Solving Skills, Digital Citizenship, Information Literacy, or Environmental Responsibility.

Check out our other Konek programs: